The Importance of Connecting with Students Virtually -

The Importance of Connecting with Students Virtually

The Importance of Connecting with Students Virtually
September 12, 2020 Comments Off on The Importance of Connecting with Students Virtually Uncategorized admin

Our biggest podcast to date is an episode called Back to School Virtual Counseling that we recorded with two counselors who have served as school counselors at Alabama Virtual School, Candace Doak and Vicki Jordan. If anyone knows what they’re talking about when it comes to virtual counseling, it’s these 2! Candace has graciously agreed to be a guest blogger and share her best tips for connecting with students virtually.

Why Student Connecting With Students Virtually Matters

First things first, why is it important to connect with students virtually? Students rely on the structure of school to maintain medical records, food, basic check-ins for wellness, and the advocacy of a trusted adult. All of these factors should not disappear when students are not able to attend school in person. All schools (virtual and brick and mortar) should maintain contact with students to ensure student safety and student engagement. To build and maintain relationships with the school, there must be personal communication by in-person communication or phone contact. Dr. Ruby Payne says, “Students have a name and we have been seeing them as data points.” Educators need to remember even in a virtual setting that each student deserves a fair and equal education through public school. It’s the responsibility of the school to provide the connection of school to the students.

Poverty Impact

This podcast interview with Dr. Ruby Payne talks about the impact of poverty in education during COVID-19 and emphasizes the importance of connecting with students virtually. Dr. Payne says that the students that will bounce back after COVID-19 are the students that have social wealth, even if they don’t have monetary wealth. They need relationships with members of the community to help them have resiliency in this difficult time (Counselor Accents, 2020). According to Dr. Payne, if students have basic food needs and community, then they should be able to bounce back after this season of COVID-19. You can read more of her comments here.

Ideas for Student Contact in a Virtual School Setting

Connecting with students virtually can seem like a daunting task. It may seem impossible to imagine calling every student, gauging their mental health and safety level, and reporting your findings. The great news is, you don’t have to do it alone! Keep reading to find

Student Connection Calls

Don't take on the task of connecting with students virtually alone! Here are simple ways to connect with students virtually using ALL staff members.

Do you know where your students are? 
Do your students have an advocate?
A great way to connect with students virtually is through student connection calls. Divide your student population by the number of staff members, and assign each staff member a list of students. Every student should be called or contacted by their staff member (advocate) to ensure the following:
– The student is still in the same place.
– That the student has food, and
– That the student is safe.

When making these student connect calls, here are some questions to ask:
– What has changed in your life since COVID-19?
– What are some things that you do during the week?
– What do you need to make your life like it was before COVID-19?

Bus Driver Routes

You know the saying, “Many hands make light work?” Consider using your bus drivers to help measure student safety and well-being! Dr. Ruby Payne suggests that bus drivers drive routes once a week and honk to see if students are home. The bus driver should document seeing the child and what state they seem to be in. You could also consider delivering meals this way to ensure that all students receive food while the school building is closed.

Using ALL Staff Members to Connect With Students Virtually


If you listen to our podcast, you know that a phrase we say almost every episode is, “Rubber meets the road ideas.” We always like to equip you with easy ways you can implement programs or changes starting today! We love lists, so Candace created this list of practical steps to take that will use all staff members when connecting with students virtually.

  1. Create a staff list (bus drivers, office staff, janitors, everyone!)
  2. Determine what the ratio will be of students to staff members. (Total number of students divided by total staff members).
  3. Establish a “homeroom” or Weekly Connection Group for the staff member.
    1. This staff member will be an advocate for the group of students.
    2. Contact will be made by phone, Zoom, or drive by (socially distanced, in-person connection).
    3. Phone calls or Zoom calls can be scheduled by different apps. You may want to check out Calendly.
      1. Learn how to use Calendly: Video Tutorials – Help Center
  4. Create a template for what each group leader is expected to communicate to families and students. 
    1. Connection Call Script
  5. Create a method of tracking connections for each staff member and their students.
    1. Use Google Sheets or another program to create a Student Call/Connection Tracker.
  6. Develop protocol for how staff will respond if students show a need.
    1. Food Need
    2. Medical Need
    3. Shelter Need
    4. Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting Need
    5. Students have no contact for a certain amount of time.
      1. One week- What is the protocol?
      2. Two weeks- What will the school do to find the student and make contact?
  7. Create a procedure for administration monitoring of student connection.

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