There's a Storm a Brewin'... A Brainstorm! -

There’s a Storm a Brewin’… A Brainstorm!

There’s a Storm a Brewin’… A Brainstorm!
August 24, 2018 Comments Off on There’s a Storm a Brewin’… A Brainstorm! Uncategorized newadmin

Brainstorming is one of my very favorite things to do.  I love throwing an idea out and watching the faces of other people as that idea sparks something in their mind.  This process continues until we collectively arrive at a product or program we are proud of.  As we talked about before, having a team you collaborate with is so important. Do you have anyone who sparks creativity in you?  That’s what we are for each other at Counselor Accents.  There is not enough paper in the world to keep track of all the thoughts we have while we are together!  Plus we laugh and have fun.  We compiled a list in this video that tells how to tackle the creative process.  Plus, let’s be honest… we’re pretty fun to watch!

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1.) BOLO– Constantly Be On the Look Out for something you can use in a lesson.  Who would have thought that the book Kim read as a child would resurface and become something that she could use to teach students great character traits?
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2.) No Idea Is Off Limits– People in your brainstorm circle should feel 100% at ease sharing an idea.  You never know what outlandish idea might spark something in someone else.  You will have a chance later to throw out what won’t work, but to begin with, welcome every idea!

3.) Get Together with Like-Minded People– I love working with positive people, not Debbie Downers.  When I’m brainstorming, I want people who think big.  I see the value in having realistic people who can pull me back down to earth when I’m thinking TOO big, BUT they’ll come in handy in one of the following steps!  At the brainstorming point, I want others who will applaud the ideas that may seem outlandish.

4.) Build on an Idea– See why like-minded people are so valuable in the beginning of a brainstorming session?  You need others who speak your “Big Idea Language!”  Your fellow brainstormers can’t build on an idea if they aren’t on board from the beginning!  Again I’ll say- those realists will come in handy later, but for now you dreamers… dream on!

5.) Take Out What Doesn’t Work– Attention all realists!  It’s your big moment!  Remember when I said those realists would come in handy later?  This is where we need them!  Take out those ideas that won’t work for your area or program.  Take out the ideas that just aren’t feasible.

6.) Laugh and Eat Good Food– Food is my love language.  I work best when I’m munching on things.  I always have a Diet Dr. Pepper at my desk.  If I’m not snacking, I’m chewing gum.  If my salivary juices are flowing, so are my creative juices.  Ok that’s gross.  Pretend like I didn’t say that.  Similarly, laughter is my therapy.  See the picture below?  That’s what Kim is for me.  If I know I have a get-together planned with Kim, I can make it through whatever bad day life throws at me!

So did we forget any essential brainstorming tips?  Help us out and drop them in the comments below!


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